A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Local News for 4-H, Agriculture, and Family and Consumer Science

Recently as I have been out in the county I have seen some corn with nutrient deficiency symptoms.  Below are some pictures of several corn nutrient deficiencies.

The following pictures are of corn Nitrogen deficiency symptoms.  You see a V-shaped yellowing that starts on the bottom leaves of the plant.

Nitrogen Deficiency
Nitrogen Deficiency


The following pictures are of a corn Sulfur deficiency.  You can see the yellow striping on the leaf.  That striping effect is the sign of a sulfur deficiency.

Sulfur Deficiency

The following picture is a Phosphorus deficiency.  Purple leaves are an indicator of a phosphorus deficiency.

Phosphorus Deficiency
Phosphorus Deficiency


The following pictures are of Potassium deficiency symptoms.  In potassium deficiency there is a yellowing of the outer leaf margins that begins on the lower leaves.

Potassium Deficiency


Potassium Deficiency
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