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Do you have trouble remembering meeting dates and times? Sign up for text message reminders that will be sent to your phone. Remind is a safe secure way to get updates without everyone having your phone number or being part of a group text. For Production Meetings you will get a reminder the day before…
Posted in: Meetings and Field Days -
The Montgomery County Agriculture Production Meetings are set for 2016. We will have updates on: Ag Economics, Vegetable Production, Row Crop Diseases, Peanuts, Precision Agriculture, Cotton and Pecans. Get the latest information on these topics while you keep your private pesticide license up to date.
Posted in: Meetings and Field Days -
Wheeler County Extension provided agricultural education through a Farm Day at Wheeler County Elementary School on May 5, 2015. Students learned about forestry, Georgia commodities (including dairy, peanuts, wheat, poultry, cotton, and Vidalia onions), seed identification, livestock, and connecting the farm to their forks. In collaboration with Georgia Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Commodity Commission…
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