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Before selling home-harvested eggs, backyard chicken flock owners must attend an egg candling class. There, the farmer will learn how to check the quality of their eggs before selling them. Egg candling certification is required of anyone who sells eggs from their flock. Image credit: Pike County Agribusiness Authority. Raising a flock of backyard…
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I am sure most of you have seen this posted online and in magazines already but to make sure. Here is the FSA Fact Sheet for the newly announced Cotton Ginning Cost-Share Program.
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Many of you have already received notification of changes at the Farm Service Agency Office. Below is the announcement:
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Click on the blue links below for printable pre-registration and information: Pre-Registration Pre-register by June 24, 2016 Pesticide Waste Collection Event -Laurens Co. Clean Day 2016 Flyer
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As farmers around the county are wrapping up peanut planting our focus begins to switch. Over the next few weeks growers will be looking at their next step in peanut weed control. The May 25th Article from Southeast Farm Press sends a great message to peanut growers. I felt like it was worth posting again on…
The southern pecan leaf phylloxera is a tiny aphid-like insect that feeds on the foliage of pecan trees. The insects are rarely seen, but the galls that they cause are prominent.
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Most of the pond calls we receive in the Extension office refer to fish kills, weeds, and fertilization. Sometimes all are related. Weeds are annoying, so everyone wants a clean pond to fish. We need to be careful though and not forget about our fish when we treat the ponds. We are here to help prevent fish kills and…
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Cooler weather and Phosphorus deficiency can cause corn to turn purple. Some varieties show more discoloration than others. Purple striping is common, but sometimes entire areas of a field can be deficient. This is one reason we suggest soil samples. Soil types and textures change throughout fields and can vary in nutrient requirements. Phosphorus deficient…
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