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Cotton can be safely planted when 4 inch soil temperatures have reached 65 degrees for 3 consecutive days.Early planting is often done to ensure adequate moisture in dry land fields. Research has shown there is little difference in yield when planting between April 1st and May 20th.
April 15th is the earliest recommended start date for peanut planting in South Georgia. Our current weather conditions have given farmers pause.
Posted in: Peanut -
Don’t forget the Pecan Production Meeting next week on Thursday the 17th!!
Corn is going into the ground in Montgomery County! Corn planting dates in South Georgia range from early March to early May. Getting those seeds in the ground early has its advantages with few drawbacks.
Posted in: Corn -
If you plan to use Auxin-Tolerant Technologies for cotton and soybeans in 2016 you MUST attend training to purchase. Here are the details of the organized trainings across the state:
The last two years have been bad for pecan growers in our area with young trees. The ambrosia beetle attacks young trees that are stressed. See the below article from Lenny Wells. Georgia pecan growers have had major problems with Asian Ambrosia Beetles (AAB) over the last 2 to 3 years. One reason for…
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Beginner’s Pecan Production Course April 11, 2016 UGA TIFTON CAMPUS CONFERENCE CENTER TIFTON, GA Please Contact Debbie Rutland @ 229-386-3424 to RSVP Refreshments & Lunch Provided 9:00 Welcome 9:10 Cost of Pecan Production Lenny Wells, UGA Horticulture 9:30 Pecan Varieties Patrick Conner, UGA Horticulture 10:15 Break 10:45 Pecan Irrigation Lenny Wells, UGA Horticulture 11:15 Pecan Tree Planting & Establishment …
All, With the warm period of weather, in addition to other risk factors, cattle producers need to be aware of the potential for grass tetany. Regards, Lawton Stewart UGA Extension Beef Specialist I’m putting out High-Mag mineral, but cows are still going down? Deidre Harmon, PhD Student, The University of Georgia. Lawton Stewart, Extension Beef…
Posted in: Cattle -
Area Beef Cattle Field Day hosted by Burke and Jefferson County.
Private and Commercial Pesticide Applicators will receive 1 hour re-certification credit for all meetings except the Ag Economics and Precision Ag Meetings. A meal will also be provided with the Production Meetings. For meetings in RED we must have an accurate head count for the meal so please call our office to sign up at least…
Posted in: Meetings and Field Days