I have recently received numerous calls about problems with tomato plants. This time of the year we typically see issues start to arise in our flourishing gardens. Two of the most common problems are leaf spots and blossom end rot. There are three leaf spot diseases commonly found on garden tomatoes: Septoria leaf spot, early…
We might not have quite made it to the first official day of summer, but temperatures have certainly reached into summer levels. High temperatures, combined with dry weather, pose a threat to home landscapes. Vegetable gardens, lawns, and even trees and shrubs are all susceptible to the effects of heat and drought. It is better…
Here we are once again at the beginning of another hay season. Hay producers anxiously sit at the starting line glued to their smartphone weather app or favorite tv weather-man waiting for that golden window to get their grass mowed, dried, baled and put up before a rain. Often this process is not so easy. …
When the weather warms up and folks begin to dig out their fishing poles to go drop a line in their favorite pond, I start getting calls about pond weeds. If there’s a thick mat of bubbly yellow-green substance floating on the surface of the pond, or the pond appears to be colored bright green,…
Back in the 60s, Simon & Garfunkel sang about parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. Today, the list of herbs found in gardens would fill up the whole song. For centuries, herbs have been used for food and medicine. Today they are still used for seasoning food, providing pleasant fragrance, and even adding interest to the…
Spring is here, and despite our cold snap last weekend, folks are busy getting gardens ready. Gardens can come in all shapes and sizes. Unfortunately, not every landscape is suitable for in-ground gardens. In these situations, raised bed gardens have become increasingly popular. Raised beds are improved areas of soil elevated above ground level and…
Roses are one of the most popular plants among Georgia gardeners even though growing roses in the southern climate can be challenging. Their large, fragrant blooms can be cheery and dramatic. Proper site preparation and planning and knowing which rose varieties to choose is the key to success. Before getting to the fun part of…
WELL…last week (March 7-13, 2021) was National Groundwater Awareness Week and it can be a DEEP subject. The United States uses 82.3 billion gallons per day of fresh groundwater for public supply, private supply, irrigation, livestock, manufacturing, mining, thermoelectric power, and other purposes, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Private and community wells are used…
The 2021 “Using Pesticides Wisely” trainings will begin in March and will be virtual. UPW trainings are for those applying and using the herbicide technologies listed below. Everyone will be required to take it this year regardless of whether you took it within the last two years. Please see the requirements for each of the herbicide…
Posted in: Agriculture -
I get a lot of calls in the late Spring about “stickers” in the yard. By that time it is too late to treat/control. The plant is called spurweed and NOW is the time to apply control options. With all the moisture we have had, it is very prevalent right now. I’ve seen it in…