The Comer Lions Club’s Madison County Fair is set for September 26th-September 30,23.  The fair is a special tradition that takes place each fall in the beautiful town of Comer, GA.  The Lions Club members generously give their time and energy to make this hometown event, which has taken place for the last 75 years, a delight to the people from the Northeast Georgia area.   

Hundreds of exhibits and twelve community fair booths will be entered in the fair this year.  The Comer Lions Club sponsors ribbons and prize money.  Those placing 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place win premium prizes for their winning entries in the amounts of $5, $4, and $3 respectively.  Youth and adults will be judged separately.  Every effort will be taken to protect items, but the Lions Club cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to entries.  Those interested in entering a craft, canned good, sewing, crochet, knitting, or artwork should read and pay CLOSE attention to the following rules that have undergone specific changes this year. 

 Check in for exhibits will be Friday, September 22 from 6 to 8 p.m. or Saturday, September 23, 8 to 12 a.m.  Exhibits must be dropped off on these two days as judging will take place on Monday, September 25. Exhibits should stay all week and may be picked up the end of the fair.  Pick up will only be on Sunday, October 1st from 1 to 3 P.M. You may drop off your items the week of September 18-22 at the Madison County Cooperative Extension Office. Items not picked up will be held at the Madison County Extension Office.

Fair Exhibit Tags for each entry will be available to pick up prior to Exhibit Check-in at the Madison County Extension Office starting Friday, September 1st for those who wish to fill them out in advance. I look forward to leading a wonderful fair, for all of your amazing exhibits.