Fall is finally here and it is almost time to start planting new trees and fruit producing bushes. If you want to be successful and give your new plants the best opportunity to grow and thrive, then you have to start at the ground and work your way up. You literally have to start with…
The Comer Lions Club’s Madison County Fair is set for September 26th-September 30,23. The fair is a special tradition that takes place each fall in the beautiful town of Comer, GA. The Lions Club members generously give their time and energy to make this hometown event, which has taken place for the last 75 years,…
Learn how to cook with your new herb/spice/seasoning by clicking the name of your favorite spice. Please click the link, not the picture.
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For our gardening enthusiasts out there!! You know who you are! Join us at 6:30pm on Tuesday, March 26, 2024 for an hour long program and learn the basics of: Meet at the Madison County High School Culinary Arts Classroom. We’ll have snacks waiting for you! Register by 5pm on Friday, March 22nd. You can…
Posted in: Gardening -
Everyone knows that the classic gift for Valentine’s Day is chocolates and roses. I know that it is a crowd pleaser and just about everyone will appreciate getting that gift, but there is another option. Instead of buying a dozen roses that will last a short while, buy a rose bush that will keep giving…
Recent concerns have been buzzing around vinegar used for canning. Specifically the acidity level. The main concern is the use of 4% acidic vinegar when canning products. The use of vinegar with acidity levels lower than 5% is strongly advised against, as it may not be sufficiently strong enough to ensure the safety of the…
Many people believe that soil and dirt are the same thing, but they’re not! Dirt is what you get under your fingernails, while soil is the then layer of living skin that covers the land. Soil is so much more than dirt. It’s alive! Soil is a living ecosystem—a large community of living organisms linked…
Harvesting fresh fruit from your home orchard can be a delicious way to add beauty, taste, and variety to your landscape and diet. The best time to plant fruit trees in Georgia is in the fall. “Growing fresh fruit can be rewarding and fun but can also provide its share of frustration,” said Bob Westerfield,…
Fire ants are the most common insect pest of home lawns. Fire ant control is a never-ending battle in the South, but there are steps you can take to keep your lawn and landscape relatively free of these troublesome pests. The easiest, cheapest, most effective thing you can do to control fire ants is to…
Did you know that between 75% and 95% of all flowering plants on the earth need help with pollination? They need pollinators. Pollinators help over 180,000 different plant species and more than 1200 crops. That means that 1 out of every 3 bites of food you eat is there because of pollinators. In addition to…
Gardeners have used compost for centuries to increase soil organic matter, improve soil physical properties, and supply some of the essential nutrients for plant growth. Composting is a method of speeding natural decomposition under controlled conditions. Many types of organic materials can be used for compost. This is an easy way to transform your landscape…
Posted in: Gardening