The senior team from Madison County won first place in the Georgia 4-H State Livestock Judging contest on March 16 at the Georgia FFA-FCCLA Center in Covington. Team members Matthew Highfill, Mallory Lee, Maggie Moon, and Emily Wall. They will represent Georgia at the National 4-H Livestock Judging Contest in Louisville, Kentucky this fall. In the senior division, Maggie Moon and Emily Wall both placed in the top three individuals overall.

Our junior team placed third with team members Beau Knight, Olivia Lee, Ky Alford, and Charlee Fleming. Other junior competitors include Riley Moon and Everett Lee. Olivia Lee was named high individual in the junior division.

Participants learn critical thinking skills as they select the best animals from classes of breeding and market cattle, swine, lambs, and goats. We are so proud of our youth for all the hard work they put into preparing for this competition.

The 4-H teams had the privilege of practicing together with the Madison County FFA teams. The Madison County FFA senior judging team also won their state competition and will compete on the national level this fall. Josh Whitworth, the Madison County Middle School Ag teacher, played a crucial role in coaching and preparing both teams.

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