Warm Season Perrenials
As the spring temperatures increase, so do the questions I receive from land/livestock owners about establishing a summer forage. Forage systems are essential for the livestock industry, and the selection of the right grass species is crucial for optimal animal performance. The two primary summer perennial grasses recommended by UGA Extension in the Coastal Plain…
If you do a Google search for Sericea Lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata), you will see results ranging from articles about controlling it as a weed, touting it as a highly invasive forb that creates a tremendous seed bank; to articles that praise its ability to help fight internal parasites in small ruminants. Determination of whether it…
By Dr. Bill Anderson, Research Geneticist, USDA-ARS When I started as perennial forage grass breeder for ARS sixteen years ago, the primary goal was to develop a cold-tolerant seeded bermudagrass since Tifton 85 seemed to satisfy the sprigged market. The battle was to develop a seeded forage that had high biomass but also high seed production. …
Posted in: Bermudagrass, bermudagrass stem maggot, Grazing, Hay, insects, Uncategorized, Warm Season Perrenials -
By Erin Forte Churchill Macon County CEC Improved bermudagrass varieties are often accepted as one of the best grazing materials in the Southeast, but the thought of establishing these varieties through sprigging can send even the best cattle producers running for the hills. It doesn’t have to! By following the steps outlined here, you can set yourself up for success with your…
By Adam Speir Madison County CEC For most forage producers, disease is usually the least dealt-with component of the “forage pest-trifecta” of weeds, insects, and diseases. Just like humans, forages have a general tendency to withstand disease pathogens that are present in the environment. However, situations can develop where disease issues arise and producers are…
By Ray Hicks Screven County CEC The cost of hay and feed for winter supplementation is one of the largest expenses for cattle producers. Stockpiling bermudagrass or bahiagrass fields for grazing use in the winter can help save on hay cost and labor. You can expect to get 30 to 60 days of grazing from…
Join us for a FREE Webinar that will discuss tips and tricks of establishing alfalfa into bermudagrass. It will provide valuable information for anyone interested in putting in alfalfa this fall! And the best part is…. you don’t even have to leave your house!
UGA Extension will host a two-day Advanced Grazing School on September 18-19, 2018 that will provide attendees with a deeper understanding of two key aspects of their grazing systems. The focus areas will be on choosing the right pasture species, designing a grazing system that works best for your operation, and how to profitably fertilize…
By Jeremy Kichler Colquitt County CEC This time of year, County Agents get questions about establishing warm season perennial forages from seed. Forage establishment can be expensive, especially if you have to do it twice. Let’s discuss some things that ensure successful perennial forage establishment on the first try. Fertility. Soil sampling should be done…