Recent Posts
Below is an update on stored grain protectants from Extension Entomologist Dr. Mike Toews… Based on my call volume this week, it is evident that we have a problem with grain protectant availability for the 2013 corn crop. I’ve visited with representatives from each company about these issues and will try to explain below. Regardless of…
Posted in: Small Grains -
There will be a meeting on aquatic weed control at the Brooks County Extension Office on Sept. 11th from 10:00 AM-12:00 PM. Two hours of commercial pesticide credit in category 26 will be available if anyone needs credit in that area. A meal will be served following the training so RSVP no later than September 6th at (229) 263-4103. Contact Garvie…
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I’ve been getting more and more reports of damage from Bermudagrass Stem Maggot (BSM). I recently spoke with our forage specialist, Dr. Dennis Hancock, who says that damage in south GA has been heavy this year. BSM is a recently introduced pest that was noticed in our area in the summer of 2010. The damage caused by…
Posted in: Hay & Forages -
This event targets 9-12th grade students and college students looking to transfer. We encourage you and your student to check out all the opportunities that UGA has to offer. I am UGA alumni and attended classes at the Tifton campus. My experience there was fantastic! After attending institutions prior to UGA, I can say that there is…
Posted in: Uncategorized -
Its hard to believe that harvest time is just around the corner, but we will soon be digging peanuts. There has been a lot of talk/speculation about how the crop is maturing this year and we just don’t know yet. We know what will happen in drought years but it is hard to predict how all the…
Posted in: Peanuts -
The Georgia 2012-2013 Small Grain Performance Tests annual publication (AP100-5) is now available on the Variety Testing web site. Below is a summary of recommended varieties for 2013. For more information on planting dates, variety characteristics, pest control and other topics follow the link where you can view the full report.
Posted in: Small Grains -
Colquitt County Farm Bureau is sponsoring a meeting with farmers and U. S. Representative Austin Scott on Tuesday, August 27th from 3:30-4:15pm at the Colquitt County Farm Bureau meeting facility (behind main office building). Farmers are encouraged to attend this meeting. Topics of discussion will be the upcoming Farm Bill and Immigration.
Posted in: Farm Bill -
Save the dates of Sept. 25 – 26, 2013, for the International Agribusiness Conference and Expo to be held in Savannah at the Savannah International Trade and Convention Center. The audience for this event is agribusiness, producers, suppliers, manufacturers and commodity associations. The conference will focus on the expansion of agricultural exports through Georgia’s ports,…
Posted in: Agribusiness -
Cotton prices are looking good according to Dr. Shurley…
Posted in: Cotton -
Mark your calendars for the 2013 UGA Cotton & Peanut Research Field Day, which is scheduled for Wednesday September 11th, 2013 in Tifton. The field day will begin at the UGA Gibbs Farm (226 William Gibbs Rd, Tifton, GA) at 8:30 a.m., and will end with lunch at the UGA Black Shank Pavilion. This field…
Posted in: Cotton