• National Public Radio reported  on April 24 that scientists from the University of Oklahoma are using a large research facility near El Reno to study the relationships between climate, crops, soil and livestock.   They are doing this by equipping research pastures and wheat fields with sensors to monitor the fluxes of water, carbon, and methane…

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  • Here is a new Google Map-based display of storm reports that you might find intriguing and maybe even useful.  The nationwide map can be found at https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/sgx/kml/lsr.php? You can choose to look at the area around any National Weather Service office using the menu at top right.  I’ve attached an example from this morning based…

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  • A new session of the free online course “Animal Agriculture and Climate Change” is being offered starting on May 1.  This 12-hour self-paced course covers basic climate science as well as specific impacts on different animal species, adaptation and mitigation, and ways to communicate this information to others.  The course also offers continuing education credits…

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  • The Packer reported on April 23 that Florida blueberries are running 2-3 weeks behind normal due to lack of chill hours over the winter coupled with cooler than normal spring nights.  The cold conditions that affected much of the Southeast this winter did not affect Florida to the same extent as more northern regions.  This…

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  • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week have a potential to cause a lot of problems for agricultural producers and others, starting on Monday afternoon into evening.  A strong slow-moving weather system is building to our west and has already caused significant damage from supercell thunderstorms in Arkansas tonight.  This system will move slowly to the…

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  • A new smartphone app for cotton irrigation is now available at https://smartirrigationapps.org/.  This app, which was developed by University of Georgia and University of Florida researchers, will help producers irrigate their crops based on local conditions using information from the Georgia Weather Network (formerly GAEMN) and the Florida Automated Weather Network (FAWN).  The app recommends…

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  • The early forecast for this year’s hurricane season is for just three hurricanes, based on presentations given at the National Hurricane Center’s annual conference and reported by the Miami Herald and Washington Post (for story, click here).  The quieter than normal conditions are forecast due to the predicted onset of El Nino later this year. …

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