Pam Knox

  • Drought decreased slightly across south Georgia as heavier than normal rainfall brought some relief to dry areas but also hindered farmers trying to get field work done and slow. According to the National Drought Monitor, the percent of the state covered by drought decreased from 20 percent to 15 percent. In Atlanta, the monthly average…

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  • The climate summary for Florida for September 2014 is now available.  You can get to it by clicking on If you are interested in reading more about the work of the Florida Climate Center, you can see their latest newsletter here. The North Carolina climate summary for September can be found at

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  • Happy New Year (water year, that is)

    Hydrologists often use the period from October 1 to September 30 as the “Water Year” to describe rainfall over time.  They choose this period because it is the end of the summer depletion of soil moisture and the average start of the fall and winter recharge period.  Often, the end of the water year corresponds…

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  • Rain and drought in the news

    There have been a number of interesting stories on the impacts of rain and drought in the last couple of weeks.  Here is a sample: Farmers in South Dakota are struggling with production issues after a record-setting wet June.  Some farmers have reported total losses in some fields due to standing water and others are…

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  • Fall is on the way–awesome NASA picture

    NASA sends out a picture of the day on email every day. and today was a beautiful one.  Seeing the fall colors from space makes fall feel more real.  Here is the caption that goes with the image below: A few days after autumn showed up on the calendar in the Northern Hemisphere, it showed…

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  • Yesterday Orlando tied its all-time record for number of days with measurable rain in the month of September.  You can read a story about the record here at the Orlando Sentinel website.  The airport in Orlando reported more rain today, which means that they have set a new record for the month.  Several other cities…

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  • If you have outdoor workers who are susceptible to asthma attacks, you may be interested in this recently published research by UGA scientist Andrew Grundstein.  Dr. Grundstein points out that usually rain is linked to lower pollen and dust amounts and reduced asthma symptoms.  However, in his research he found that thunderstorms often have the…

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