Pam Knox

  • The Washington Post printed an article this week that discussed the costs of protecting homes or buying out homeowners for coastal properties that flood repeatedly at high tides.  Based on estimates from five cities along the East Coast in Virginia, the costs to compensate homeowners for homes with “repetitive losses” that are insured under the…

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  • The State Climate office of North Carolina published a blog article today which describes some global patterns that can affect winter weather.  In the past, we’ve looked at the impacts of El Nino and La Nina.  But there are other patterns which can also steer climate patterns into colder or warmer patterns that may become…

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  • Growing Georgia published an article by Allison Floyd today discussing the opportunities for Southern vegetable farmers due to the continuing drought in California.  You can read the article here.  Because of the severe water restrictions in California, growers in Georgia are being asked to expand into other varieties of vegetables, including green leafy vegetables which…

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  • NOAA releases new winter outlook

    NOAA released their latest outlook for December and for December through January today.  The new forecasts are not a big change from previous forecasts, and the 3-month winter forecast is still leaning towards the development of a weak El Nino, with wetter than normal conditions expected in the southern part of the Southeast along the…

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  • New resource guide available

    A new resource guide has recently been made available by the Animal Agriculture Climate Change group that co-sponsors this blog.  It is entitled “Adapting to a Changing Climate: A Planning Guide.”  It is available online by clicking here.  This guide provides several steps that extension agents, farmers and ranchers can use to think about how…

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  • Where is all this cold air coming from?

    With all the stories about the record-breaking cold air, the unbelievably heavy snow in Buffalo, and other frigid weather conditions, it is not surprising that I have been asked where all this cold air is coming from, particularly so early in the winter season.  To answer this, you need to look at where the air…

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  • While parts of Buffalo have received over 70 inches of snow in this cold outbreak, other areas of the upper Midwest are also feeling the effects of early snow cover.  AgWeb posted an article this week discussing the impacts of the snow on corn harvest in the Dakotas, Minnesota, and even Michigan.  You can read…

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