Weed Science
In case you were not able to attend the initial Dicamba/Auxin herbicide training offered by Monsanto, a make up date has been scheduled. The training that is located closest for our area will be held in Tifton. The meeting will be conducted on Tuesday, March 17 at 2:30 p.m. at UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center,…
Here is a great post from Stanley Culpepper, Over the past few years, we have been studying the impact of application time of day on the postemergence activity of numerous herbicides. The table below is provided to help guide you in assisting your growers with timely applications. Liberty remains, by far, the most sensitive herbicide…
Posted in: Weed Science -
Here is a post by Dr. Eric Prostko discussed the potential problems associated with the the use of Counter and certain postemergence herbicides in field corn. 1) Why can’t certain herbicides be used after an in-furrow (INFR) application of Counter in field corn? Organophosphate (OP) insecticides, amino acid synthesis (ALS) and certain pigment (HPPD) inhibitors are metabolized…
Brooks County Extension hosted a Weed Control program, for row crop producers, on January 15, 2015. I wanted to share the educational information that I distributed at this meeting. To access the following information, please click on the provided links. Please let me know if you would…
Brooks County will be hosting a weed control update meeting next week at 6:30 pm on Thursday Jan. 15th. Dr. Stanley Culpepper will be the speaker giving us an update on weed control management for 2015. Please join us for this meeting, and be sure to call the office by noon on Tuesday Jan.13th if you intend to come. 1 hour of private and (21) commercial…
Posted in: Weed Science -
As most of the corn has been harvested, UGA encourages producers to begin establishing a management plan to control Palmer amaranth (pigweed) populations. As we move into the fall of the year, we need to control the Palmer amaranth population, in order to prevent an additional crop of seed being produced prior to frost. It is…
As we finish the last at cracking herbicide sprays, and move into the first of our fungicide and post emergence herbicide applications, I wanted to share information pertaining to tank mix combinations. Dr. Eric Prostko urges caution when combining a variety of products into one tank mix. Of course, we all want to save time,…
Many of you know by now that Counter has received a Section 18 Label for cotton in Georgia. With the cotton acreage that is left to plant and with the occurrence of replants, many growers are interested in the application of this systemic insecticide-nematicide product. Although, we are glad to have a nematicide option we do…