Just wanted to give you update on the 2017 monitoring for Asian Soybean Rust (ASR) in Sentinel plots. As of yesterday, Asian Soybean Rust was found on kudzu in Sentinel plots in Brooks County. Kudzu is an alternative host for Phakopsora pachyrihizi, the fungus that causes Asian soybean rust. Alternative hosts such as kudzu, Florida beggarweed, and iron clay peas, allow the disease to survive and spread. The Georgia Commodity Commission, has once again, provided funding for the annual Rust Sentinel Plots program. This monitoring program, has proved to be a very effective tool for early detection of ASR. The reports generated from Soybean Rust Sentinel Plots allows soybean producers to receive notifications of ASR development and monitor spread of the disease.
At this point management recommendations for ASR include;
Begin fungicide applications once the crop reaches first bloom and if favorable weather persist, a second fungicide application should be applied within 2-4 weeks after the first fungicide spray. Also remember that fungicides that include a mixture of products (SDHI, strobilurin, and triazole chemistries) provide a broader spectrum of activity against disease and a longer protective window. Please call me if you have any additional questions.
Table 1. Fungicides labeled for management of foliar diseases of soybean. NOTE: Always read and follow the official label for use of these fungicides.
Quadris 2.08F (azoxystrobin) 6.2-15.4 fl oz/A ( to include frog eye leaf spot and soybean rust) |
Note 1: Prior to the discovery of Aisan soybean rust in Georgia, foliar fungicides were not generally recommended on soybeans in the state. Result s of Georgia research on foliar fungicides have been extremely erratic. Before deciding to apply a fungicide, a grower should consider the current yield potential in the field and the potential for further disease spread.
Note 2: The presence of the Asian soybean rust in Georgia has greatly affected disease control recommendations.
Note 3: Asian soybean rust can develop vary rapidly in a field when enough spores are present and environmental conditions are favorable. Once a soybean crop reaches reproductive growth stages, growers should be prepared to treat with fungicides very quickly as soon as the disease is likely to be present in the area.
Note 4: The key to successful management of Asian soybean rust is use of an effective fungicide in a timely manner before the disease becomes established in a field.
Note 5: Higher rates of a product provide greater residual activity and may reduce the need for later sprays to manage rust.
Note 6: Although, “Headline SBR” is no longer available commercially, growers can tank-mix3.1 fl oz tebuconazole with 4.7 fl oz Headline to create a similar product. |
Quadris Xtra 4.0-6.8 fl oz for management of soybean rust;
5.0-6.8 fl oz for other foliar diseases. |
Quilt (azoxystrobin + propiconazole) 14-20 fl oz (for management of foliar diseases to include soybean rust.) |
Quadris TOP (azoxystrobin + 8-14 fl oz/A (for management of foliar diseases difenoconazole) to include soybean rust.) | |
2.75-5.5 fl oz. For control of Soybean rust use
Alto (cyproconazole) 2.75-4.0 fl oz/A. For other foliar diseases use 4.0- 5.5 fl oz/A. |
Domark 230 ME (tetraconazole) 4.0-5.0 fl oz (for management of foliar disease to include soybean rust.) |
Affiace (azoxystrobin + tetraconzole) 10.0-14.0 fl oz/A (for management of foliar diseases to include rust.) |
Tebuconazole 3.0-4.0 fl oz (for management of foliar disease to include soybean rust.) |
Headline (pyraclostrobin) 6.0-12.0 fl oz (for management of foliar disease to include soybean rust.) |
Priaxor (pyraclostrobin +fluxapyroxad) 4.0-8.0 fl oz/A (for management of foliar diseases to include soybean rust and target spot) |
Propiconazole (Tilt or Bumper) 4.0-6.0 fl oz (for management of soybean rust and other foliar diseases.) |
Stratego (trifloxystrobin + 10.0 fl oz/A (for management of soybean rust propiconazole) and other foliar diseases.) | |
Stratego YLD (trifloxystrobin + 4.0-4.65 fl oz (for management of soybean rust prothioconazole) and other foliar diseases.) | |
FORTIX (fluoxastrobin + flutriafol) 4.0-6.0 fl oz/A (for management of soybean rust and other diseases of soybean.) | |
EVITO (fluoxastrobin) 2.0-5.7 fl oz/A | |
EVITO T (fluoxastrobin tebuconazole) 4.0-6.0 fl oz/A | |
Topguard (flutriafol) 7.0-14.0 (for management of soybean rust and other foliar diseases). |
Aproach (picoxystrobin) 6.0-12.0 fl oz/A (for management of soybean rust and other foliar diseases.) |
Aproach Prima (picoxystrobin + 5.0-6.8 fl oz/A (for management of soybean rust cyproconazole) and other foliar diseases to include target spot.) | |
Zolera FX 4.4-6.8 fl oz/A (for management of soybean rust
and other foliar diseases to include target spot.)