Morningglory species are can be some of the hardest weeds to control in a field. Proper identification is the key to achieving control. If anything know the difference Smallflower morningglory compared to others.
Why is this important? Not all morningglories are controlled equally by certain herbicides. Here are a few examples:
- Gramoxone (paraquat) is generally good on most morningglory species but not smallflower.
- Basagran (bentazon) is generally not effective on most morningglory species but will control smallflower.
- Staple (pyrithiobac) is generally considered to be an excellent morningglory herbicide but not on tall.
- 2,4-DB is less effective on pitted morninglory than other species.
- Aim (carfentrazone) and ET (pyraflufen) as a harvest aid are considered good morningglory herbicides but not on smallflower.
Here is a chart of mature leaves for identifying morningglory species.
Here are some photos of seedling morninglory UGA Extension Weed Scientist Dr. Eric Prostko shared from LSU and Virginia Tech.