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CORN- attached picture is sent to me from by our buddy and former agent Eddie Beasley. Eddie tells me that stunting in this picture is associated with soil counts of both root-knot and stubby-root nematodes in areas of poor growth and vigor. This image is nearly identical to images sent to me by Rome and…
Posted in: Disease -
Planting of cotton and peanuts will begin to ramp-up in the coming weeks. Important that growers pay careful attention to soil conditions, especially soil temps. Soil moisture is very important, especially for non-irrigated fields, but so is soil temperatures. At least that’s what our Corn, Cotton, and Peanut team leaders told me. Remember this well,…
Just a few notes this morning: Rain expected today and Saturday across much of southern Georgia will bring cool, wet soils that are perfect for seedling diseases in cotton and peanut. So, in my opinion, best to wait. I think Dr. Monfort and Dr. Hand would agree that planting either peanut or cotton under such…
Below is a direct link to the PDF document file:///C:/Users/handerson/Documents/Holly%20AG/PDFS/prostko-2021-control-peanut-corn-soy.pdf file:///C:/Users/handerson/Documents/Holly%20AG/PDFS/prostko-2021-control-peanut-corn-soy.pdf
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Thrips Management (Phillip Roberts): Thrips are consistent pests of cotton, infesting nearly all cottonacres planted in Georgia each year. Thrips are the only insect pest of cotton that a preventive insecticide isrecommended. We consistently observe a positive yield response to at-plant insecticides used for thripscontrol. A reactive approach based on scouting and use of thresholds…
It’s go time (Camp Hand): It is that time of year again – the planting conditions calculator says“excellent”, meaning that cotton planting is imminent. I know many people are excited to officially put2020 in the rear-view mirror, but in the words of Lee Corso (college football analyst), “Not so fast myfriend!” Last Friday (4/2) we…
Posted in: Cotton -
Early Season Disease and Nematode Management (Bob Kemerait): For a few, planting cotton hasalready begun. For most, it is imminent and rapidly approaching; planting cotton across the state ofGeorgia will be in “full-swing” in only a matter of weeks.Given that the vast majority of Georgia’s cotton crop is “still in the bag”; I want to…
Considerations for Peak Planter Performance (Simer Virk and Wesley Porter): For cotton growers,this is a perfect time to start inspecting planters and perform any required maintenance on components toensure peak planter performance during field operation. Planting mistakes due to improper setup andmaintenance can lead to costly emergence penalties that impact yield potential. Growers can access…
Posted in: Cotton -
With this cold weather you have already been fielding calls regarding cold injury to wheat, especially wheat that is near or currently heading. Here is some information to help you in aiding your growers diagnose damage following the cold this weekend. As with corn there is no point in trying to diagnose cold injury severity…
Posted in: Cover Crop