A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Southern corn rust and corn tar spot is present in southwest Georgia, but a majority of corn in the county is nearing full maturity, so the diseases should not affect potential yield. But, late planted corn should be scouted and treated if necessary.

Conditions have been near perfect for diseases in peanuts and cotton to get started. In peanuts, growers should be on a timely spray schedule focusing on disease prevention and control. The heat and humidity provide optimum conditions for white mold and leaf spot to start and to spread. If growers get behind, it is really hard to catch up.

White mold in Peanuts

In cotton this week, we are seeing some fields with Stemphylium leaf spot (associated with potassium [K] deficiency), and no fungicide treatment is recommended. Target spot and areolate mildew may be starting in the area; these diseases can affect yield and fungicide applications may be needed to protect the crop.

For questions regarding crop diseases, contact your county agent. We will be glad to assist you.