We are reaching a point in the growing season that some insects and other crop pests are beginning to occur.
Hay Fields and Pastures
There have been some scattered reports of Fall Armyworms (FAWs) in pastures and hayfields already in some areas. Hay producers should be more aware at this time and scout for this yield robbing insect pest. Bermuda grass stem maggot has been more active in hay fields recently. Treatment should be applied at 7-10 days after cutting to help reduce damage and yield loss in the new growth. Various pyrethroids are labeled for control of bermuda grass stem maggot.

This week in cotton, we have been scouting fields for pests. Spider mites and aphids are scattered in many Worth County cotton fields. Usually the spider mites will start along the edges or near waterways, fence rows, or power poles. In my observation, they have not reached treatable levels, but spot treatments or field treatment can be made if necessary. If you have questions, just let us know.
Silverleaf whiteflies have been observed in areas of the county. Adult whiteflies are present in some fields, and numbers will likely be building in the coming weeks. Growers should be aware of the presence of whiteflies in any cotton field; their presence should influence other insect management decisions in the field. Please see the information below about scouting and managing silverleaf whiteflies.
If we can be of assistance at Worth County Extension, please let us know.