Conditions are very dry! As Hurricane Ian turned east, we missed what could have been excessive rain and winds at a critical time of harvest. However, no rains for the last 3 to 4 weeks, and winds from the storm have resulted in extremely dry conditions. This weather is favorable for cotton picking and for peanut picking, but not for plowing and inverting peanuts.
Cotton picking is going strong at this time. Peanut harvest is continuing, but in non-irrigated fields, digging/inverting has been difficult because the ground is so hard and dry. At this time, peanut harvest decisions need to be made on a field-by-field basis. In non-irrigated fields and dry corners of irrigated fields, the vines are dry, brittle, and seem to be deteriorating – some fields may need to be dug prior to optimum maturity due to the condition of the vines and stems. We are still checking peanut maturity samples at the Worth County Extension Office, and can make field visits if needed. Please let us know if we can assist you.

Recent Happenings
In the News
Check your local news stand in Sylvester, “The Sylvester Local News”. and learn more about our assistant at Worth County Extension. Macie Wheeler, a UGA Graduate Student, hosts a new podcast “All About the Pod” – listen to recent podcast episodes about harvest and current conditions. The podcast can be accessed on the following:
Apple Podcasts:…/all-about-the…/id1638194766

Peanut Harvest
One of the Worth County on-farm peanut trials was harvested on September 22. Macie Wheeler, UGA Graduate Student, and Dr. Scott Monfort, UGA Peanut Specialist, are shown in the photo below. We hope to share more information with peanut producers from these on-farm trials during the winter production meetings.

Worth County 4-H Team Wins State Land Judging Contest
We are very excited about the state winning Worth County Land Judging Team. Congratulations to these youth and their coach, Mrs. Kristen Ford, our Worth County 4-H Agent. Both Junior (6-8th Grade) and Senior (9-12th Grade) teams won 1st Place. The senior team will be competing at the national contest in May 2023 in Oklahoma.

Worth County 4-H’ers Learn about Technology in Agriculture
Mrs. Kristen Ford (Worth County 4-H Agent), some of our 4-H members, and I attended a training for these youth in Tifton recently. They will be teaching/sharing information about their training and experiences.