The Using Pesticides Wisely (UPW) Training opportunities began this week. There are still many opportunities for growers and applicators to register and attend training. We encourage individuals to train virtually at home or office when possible. If anyone does not have access to computer or internet access, please call us at the Worth County Extension office and we will work to accommodate – these trainings are required for those applying the auxin herbicides in cotton and soybean crops.
The Worth County 4-H Club has begun our Vidalia Onion fundraiser. If you know a 4-H’er that is participating, give them a call and place an order. The onions are $10 for a 10 pound bag, and orders are due by Thursday, April 22, 2021. We are also taking orders at the Worth County Extension Office at 229-776-8216. The tentative delivery date is May 13, 2021.
The weather has been sunny and warm this week, and many growers are getting busy in the fields to prepare for planting. Most of the Row Crop Production Guides (Corn, Cotton, Peanuts) are available now at the Extension office. As planting time nears, consider the field conditions and weather forecasts to make good decisions from the start. A great resource for growers to see soil and temperature conditions is at: If you have questions or need assistance, we would be glad to visit with you.