Lenny Wells
Georgia pecan growers have had major problems with Asian Ambrosia Beetles (AAB) over the last 2 to 3 years. One reason for this is the wet spring conditions we’ve had since 2013. UGA entomologist Will Hudson has had extensive experience with these insects in ornamentals in the past and has observed that anytime we have…
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If you’ve planted pecan trees in the past you have probably noticed the fine, hair like structures on the root systems of some trees. These structures are highly valuable to the tree and can have a significant effect on its growth and overall health. Contrary to most plants, pecan roots do not have root hairs,…
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Beginner’s Pecan Production Course April 11, 2016 UGA TIFTON CAMPUS CONFERENCE CENTER TIFTON, GA Please Contact Debbie Rutland @ 229-386-3424 to RSVP Refreshments & Lunch Provided 9:00 Welcome 9:10 Cost of Pecan Production Lenny Wells, UGA Horticulture 9:30 Pecan Varieties Patrick Conner, UGA Horticulture 10:15 Break 10:45 Pecan Irrigation Lenny Wells, UGA…
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Historically, pollination has been overlooked when planting pecan orchards. The increased production you see from having the right pollinators in the right place is not always something you notice unless you have something to compare it to. The effects of poor pollination will also be more obvious in some years than others when spring weather conditions disrupt…
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For many things related to pecan production, there are almost as many opinions out there about how to do something as there are people to ask. When you get varying opinions on a subject, the thing to do is look at the science behind it. Is there data to back up the practice in question or is…
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Southeastern Pecan Growers Association Annual Meeting, Destin, FL Feb. 26-27, 2016 Georgia Pecan Growers Association Annual Conference, Perry, GA March 30, 2016 2016 County Pecan Production Meetings Contact county extension offices for meeting locations —All meetings are at noon unless otherwise specified Jan 28: Cook County Feb 3: Mitchell Feb 4: Tattnall Feb 9: Peach…
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One of the most often over-looked factors I see regarding production problems in pecan is a consideration of the site where the orchard was planted. Not long ago, I spoke with a grower who had been on a very good fungicide program. His scab control was excellent in most orchards but in a few orchards scab was a…
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