Burrower bug

  • Several folks have contacted me this week about large numbers of white-lined (aka white-margined) burrower bugs. Most of the bugs have been on volunteer peanuts, but some were on cotton seedlings. This insect is not the “peanut burrower bug” and is not considered a pest of peanut. While it can be very abundant early in…

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  • We routinely get questions in mid summer about how to manage peanut burrower bug. The things that have been proven to reduce burrower bug injury are deep tillage and the use of granular chlorpyrifos. It is obviously too late to do anything about tillage choices, but growers who are concerned about burrower bugs still have…

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  • Very few things are as frustrating as delivering 5000+ pound per acre peanuts to the buying point and having them grade “Seg 2” because of insect injury, and when it happens there are usually a lot of questions. What caused it? Why did it happen? When did it happen? Could we have done something to…

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  •   Everyone in the peanut industry in Georgia knows that burrower bugs are bad. That is why I get several calls each spring from folks who have found burrower bugs in their fields and are understandably concerned. Sometimes the offending creature is the peanut burrower bug, but most of the time it is not. The…

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  • “What are you seeing?” is a question I have been getting and giving quite a bit the last couple weeks. The answer is a mixed bag of insects and a lot of variation in the level of pressure from field to field. We have seen three cornered alfalfa hopper (TCAH) numbers increase over the last…

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  • We made it through the first couple weeks of the 2014 peanut harvest without hearing too much about burrower bugs, and I thought hopefully our prediction of heavier burrower bug damage this year was going to be wrong. Over the last two weeks, however, the reports of seg 2 peanuts and burrower bug damage have…

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  • Peanut Burrower Bug

    I have received a couple reports of burrower bugs in peanuts in the last two weeks. Eddie Beasley in Berrien County brought some specimens to the lab last week that were tentatively identified as the peanut burrower bug, Pangaeus bilineatus. We have no way to know how widespread infestations are or if we will see…

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