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  • Join us for our next UGA Extension Webinar as Steven Patrick explains Sportfish Pond Management LIVE online at Thursday, January 14th, 10:30 a.m.

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  • “To every thing there is a season.” And fall is the season to soil test. Soils tests provide information on the soil’s actual nutrient status. Fall is a preferred time to take soil tests if one suspects a soil pH problem and wants to avoid the spring rush. Fall soil testing will allow you ample…

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  • Each year the Madison County 4-H holds a Fruit Tree Sale. Orders, with payment, are due by November 6th to the Madison County Extension Office. Trees will be available for pick up on November 20th for 9am-6pm. All sales are final and the buyer is strongly encouraged to follow guidelines provided by UGA Extension regarding…

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  • The onset of cooler temperatures often brings unwanted pests into our homes.  Several species of ants look to enter homes during colder weather to overwinter. Also, more pleasant temperatures outside bring people outdoors which can mean more interaction with wasps and yellowjackets.  The following article by Emily Cabrera, public relations coordinator for the integrated Pest…

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  • School has started back, football season is beginning, summer vegetable harvest is coming to an end and temperatures are starting to be more tolerable.  These are all signs that fall is just around the corner. As summer vegetables stop producing, it’s time to start planning and preparing fall gardens. Cool-season vegetables, packed with nutrients and…

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  • There are many pieces of equipment that farmers utilize to distribute either plants, fertilizers or pesticides to their fields and crops.  Ensuring that equipment is putting out the right amount is critical.  Which is why making sure your equipment is calibrated is key. Calibration is the process of measuring and adjusting the amount of product…

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  • The World Health Organization defines Mental Wellness as a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community. Mental wellness is not something that can be…

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  • This time of the year I am usually busy trying to frantically preserve the bounty from our summer garden.  Canning, dehydrating and freezing the fruits and vegetables that my family and I will enjoy during the winter. Forage producers are doing the same. Working through the summer to preserve the warm season perennial grasses that…

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  • The number of calls related to weed problems in ponds always increases in the hot summer months. This has certainly been the case this year. Warm temperatures have pond weeds growing like – well, WEEDS!  Here are few suggestions to help you keep pond weed issues under control or, if it’s too late for that,…

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