The February 2024 newsletter is out! You can view it all on our web page at or scroll below to download it.

Catching up with Madison County 4-H and Youth Development
Sign up NOW for Summer Camp! (click for more details)
Register for Summer Camps NOW! Spaces are limited so go ahead and sign up with our office to reserve your spot. Our soft deadline to register is February 15th.
Cost for each camp is $415. We have some scholarship/fundraising opportunities available; please let us know if you’re interested. Cloverleaf Campers will pay $440 if they choose not to fundraise or don’t meet minimum fundraising requirements.
Visit our camp web page for sign up forms and information of our camps (
Campers Grades 4-6
Cloverleaf Camp will take place at the great Atlantic Ocean Jekyll Island 4-H Center, July 8 – 12th for students that have completed the 3rd – 6th grades.
Campers Grades 6-8
Wilderness Challenge Camp at Wahsega 4-H Center, June 17-21, for students who have completed the sixth, seventh or eighth grades (Wilderness Challenge campers must be 12 years old by Thursday, June 20, to go white water rafting at Wilderness Challenge Camp.)
Campers Grades 7-8
Junior Camp for students who have completed the 7th and 8th graders at the Burton Tybee 4-H Center on June 3 -7.
Campers Grades 9-12
High school students (grades 9-12) may attend Senior Camp at Wahsega 4-H Center, July 1-5; and, Senior EXTREME Camp, a more primitive camping experience at Fitch Pioneer Camp at Rock Eagle 4-H Center, also choosing one of two weeks, June 10-14. High school students may also apply to attend National Resources Exploration Camp, a collaborative effort between Georgia 4-H and the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources at UGA. This camp will be held July 15-19, at Rock Eagle 4-H Center, with trips to the UGA campus in Athens.

Senior Conference (Grades 9-12)
April 6-7! This weekend event includes a semi-formal dance along with an after-dance party with mechanical bull, games, pizza, and MORE! A share fair with college recruiters and a chance for you to highlight your great work is just a couple of other opportunities. Registration and $80 fee are due by noon on March 26, 2024. Please note that registration after March 26th will incur a $5 late fee and any drops after this day will incur a $30 cancellation fee.

Junior Rally (Grades 6-8)
April 20-21! This weekend event includes ropes course obstacles, talent show, dancing, campfire, workshops and education sessions, along with opportunities for community service. Registration and $85 fee are due by noon on April 9, 2024. Please note that registration after April 9th will incur a $5 late fee and any drops after this day will incur a $30 cancellation fee.

Graduating Seniors
Senior Wall Plaque…
If you’re graduating High School this year and want your name on the Senior Wall at the Rock Eagle 4-H Center, make your donation and complete a Senior Wall Form by Friday, March 22, 2024!
Graduation Cords…
Contact us at 706-795-2281 if you’d like to purchase a graduation cord. The cost is $5 each.
Project Achievement
Cloverleaf District Project Achievement—Our Cloverleaf DPA will be held Saturday, February 17, 2024 at Rock Eagle. Those registered should have received an appointed time to meet with us. If you haven’t, please reach out and schedule one.
Junior / Senior DPA Portfolio and Presentations…We have sixteen (16) 4-H’ers scheduled to compete at District Project Achievement. District Project Achievement will be take place March 1st – 3rd, 2024. Junior / Senior Showcase (Dress Rehearsal) has been scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 25th, 2024 from 3:00 to 5:00 pm at the Board of Education PLC 2. You need to provide your own transportation to this event. Parents and Volunteers are encouraged to attend the Junior / Senior Showcase.
Competitive & Judging Teams
Hippology—Thursdays…Our Hippology Team begins weekly meetings on February 22nd. They meet from 3:30pm-5:30pm and meeting will end on April 18th, prior to the April 20th State Horse Judging and Hippology Contest.
Poultry Judging—As a member of the Poultry Judging Team, 4-H’ers will learn about the standards used in poultry and egg production and apply those standards in a realistic decision-making situation. 4-H’ers will learn how to judge live hens; grade exterior, interior, and broken out eggs; grade ready-to-cook poultry; and identify poultry parts. Our practices will begin on Monday, January 29, 2024 and continue until the April contest.
Wildlife Judging—The Wildlife Judging Team covers material found within 4-H Natural Resources project area, Wildlife Habitat Education Program (WHEP), and students will have the opportunity to explore with some parts of the activities conducted outdoors. The practices will start February 6th (3:30-5:00pm) and continue through the April 27th contest.