By: Shelby Mumma
Summer is quickly approaching and you know what that means for 4-H. If you don’t, well…
it’s CAMP!

As we gear up for a summer filled with trips, fun, laughs and maybe a little a sweat, our program is looking for supporters! We currently have 3 different ways for you to help us out and give.
We are currently selling Long County 4-H t-shirts! They are made and produced by Luda Graphix, a local small business who helped us create a design that will get you going. It is a light gray Dri-fit shirt that has a graphic on the front saying, “Get out and do GOOD” with Long County 4-H printed underneath. The shirts are $12 each and all order forms and money will be due to the Extension Office by Wednesday, May 26th at 5pm. Reach out if you would like to purchase one!

Next, we are also selling Krispy Kreme digital coupons that are redeemable for a box of Original Glazed donuts (a dozen). That’s right…we are taking our fundraising online with a contactless and convenient way to raise money for the students traveling to Rock Eagle 4-H Center this year! The certificates are $10 each and you will receive a coupon code via email after the deadline for orders. Is your mouth watering yet?! Contact the Ext. Office to purchase a coupon or two or three! This order deadline will be on Tuesday, May 26th at 5pm. Thank you in advance for helping us ‘raise a little dough’ to send kids to camp and for other summer programming events!

Lastly, we will be having a Car Wash fundraiser this Saturday (May 15th) from 10am – 2pm during the Long County Chamber of Commerce event, Spring Fling Business Fair. This will be based on a cash or check donation and all the proceeds will go to students heading to Cloverleaf of Junior Camp this summer. So while the Spring Fling event is going on, we hope that you will make plans to get your car washed as well. The car wash will be located in the Long County Extension Office parking lot behind the Mary Ann Odum Gov. Annex (81 W. Academy St.). Hope to see you there!

Don’t forget to follow along with us on our Facebook page (Long County 4-H) or like us on Instagram (longcoga4h). Updated information and order forms can be found on our website. Thank you for supporting the youth in Long County. Don’t forget, they are our next generation and we have the greatest opportunity to teach them kindness, compassion, responsibility, independence and more!