
  • The Georgia Department of Natural Resources seeks input on the statewide Deer Management Plan. DNR has scheduled three open house meetings. For those who cannot attend the open houses, DNR has created an online questionnaire for your input. GA DNR Press Release – Public Input About the State Deer Management Plan Requested: Open House Style…

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  • Georgia Deer Impact Survey

    Over the past several years, deer have increasingly impacted Georgia farmers and been detrimental across Georgia’s food and fiber production. Georgia Farm Bureau has collaborated with the Georgia Department of Agriculture and The University of Georgia Extension to develop a deer impact survey to determine losses due to deer across the state over the last…

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  • Feral swine have become increasingly detrimental in Georgia, causing significant damage to agricultural crops and natural resources throughout the state. The economic impact of damage caused by feral swine in Georgia is estimated at $150 million. A group of agricultural and natural resource organizations are partnering to bring Georgia’s top experts on feral swine together…

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