The Laurens-Wilkinson Counties Commercial Peanut Production will be held this Tuesday, January 28th, at the Cloverleaf Restaurant in East Dublin, beginning at Noon and ending at 2 p.m. The Laurens-Wilkinson Counties Disease Control in Commercial Row Crops meeting will be held this Friday, January 31st, at the Cloverleaf Restaurant in East Dublin, beginning at Noon…
We are at the point in the growing season where a lot of Georgia peanut fields are 25 to 35 days after planting. Though thrips pressure has not been particularly high in 2023, it doesn’t take many adults per plant to produce a damaging population of immatures on peanuts. Thrips injury typically peaks around 28…
Water is a valuable resource. Georgia growers are blessed to have an abundant supply of water, whether groundwater or ponds. The old adage is true. Use the water you have on your farm wisely. To help you use water wisely, I encourage you to review the Irrigation Reference Guide for Corn, Cotton, Peanuts, and Soybeans.…
Below are a few words from Scott Monfort, UGA Peanut Agronomist, about peanut harvest and the upcoming cold weather. There is a misconception that temperatures in the upper 40’s and lower 50’s shut down the plant. Those temperatures will slow the maturation down but it will not cause it to stop. The “normal” minimum temperature…
Over the next few weeks, peanut harvest will be in full swing across most of the state. Along with proper timing consideration for digging peanuts, proper setup and operation of peanut harvest equipment is also an important consideration to minimize harvest losses and to ensure peak equipment performance and efficiency during harvest. Here are few…
Posted in: Peanut -
The Laurens County Extension office will be offering peanut hull scrape clinics starting on Thursday, September 9 at the Extension office. The clinics will be offered every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday until the end of October from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Taking a good sample is CRUCIAL in determining the proper time to dig.…
Posted in: Peanut -
On March 31, 2021, the USDA National Agricultural Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) released its 2021 Prospective Plantings Report. Georgia Highlights from the report. Corn planted is estimated at 480,000 acres, up 14 percent from 2020. Cotton planted intentions are up 1 percent from last year at 1.20 million acres. Peanuts are estimated at 790,000 acres,…