According to Pam Knox, Director of the UGA Weather Network and Agricultural Climatologist, the forecast for this week is for less than half an inch for most of the region, and none at all for parts of North and South Carolina and Virginia. The only exception is the far southeastern part of Florida, which will…
The Georgia Crop Progress and Condition Report for the week ending May 23, 2022.
The Georgia Crop Progress and Condition Report for the week ending May 16, 2022.
The Georgia Crop Progress and Condition Report for the week ending May 9, 2022.
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Dr. Camp Hand has a few thoughts on cotton defoliation… First, this week it’s gonna be cool. Once we get past Wednesday, highs hardly come out of the 60s and lows are going to be in the 30s to 40s. As we all know, cotton growth and development is based on DD60s, with growth occurring…
Below are a few words from Scott Monfort, UGA Peanut Agronomist, about peanut harvest and the upcoming cold weather. There is a misconception that temperatures in the upper 40’s and lower 50’s shut down the plant. Those temperatures will slow the maturation down but it will not cause it to stop. The “normal” minimum temperature…
Pam Knox, Director of the UGA Weather Network and Agricultural Climatologist discusses the last 30 days of rainfall across the United States. The last 30 days of rainfall across the US has highlighted the vast difference in precipitation amounts between the West Coast and the East Coast this year. On the West Coast, almost no…
The latest Georgia Crop Progress and Condition Report released on August 30, 2021.
Comments from Camp Hand, Cotton Extension Agronomist As many know, we are quickly losing moisture and this week temperatures are escalating and cloud cover will be minimal across Georgia. Many people remember what happened in late May of 2019, and this is shaping up to be a similar situation. Dr. Stanley Culpepper has asked me…