A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

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  • We would like to thank Fulton County MGEV Della Spearman for this article on Argentine Ants. Introduction      During the summer months, it seems small brown ants (Argentine ants) want to invade cracks and take over other areas of our homes but they can be controlled. Be aware, they do not sting like fire ants,…

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  • If you’re like me, you probably hate to throw away those lush poinsettias at the end of the holiday season. If you’ve managed to keep your holiday plants throughout the summer, the good news is that you can typically coax them into reblooming with a little help. Here are some pointers on how to maintain…

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  • Weeds

    What is a weed? We typically think of a weed as “a plant out of place.” By this definition, that could apply to any plant in an undesirable location. A volunteer corn seedling in a field of soybeans is a weed. A bermudagrass runner in your flowerbed is a weed. Crabgrass and dandelions in your…

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  • During the summer months, we might start to see some unwanted visitors to our yard. Snakes are common even in urban and suburban areas, especially as development continues to push into more rural and forested land. Snakes are often active during the warmer months as they hunt and search for mates. As reptiles, they are…

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  • Just because earth day is only once a year, you can always continue recycling. Sometimes recycling can be fun, when you put your recycled materials to use. Last week I taught a few kids about recycling and they have been recycling all week. This week I challenged them to create something out of their recycled…

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  • If you’ve ever noticed your plants turning yellow, it’s possible you might be overwatering. Overwatering plants is a major cause of root damage and rot here in Georgia, only made worse by the constant humidity which prevents the plants from drying out. This article is adapted from the original (Randy Drinkard, 2004) but still provides…

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  • We hear greening the curriculum a lot, but what does it really mean?Greening the curriculum means being open to Nature as a teacher, letting the outdoors serve as a classroom, and teaching that sustaining life for all future generations is important. Greening your curriculum ensures that students are capable of tackling challenge of global warming…

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  • Written by Jennifer Berry, PhD, UGA Professor of Entomology A flurry of recent press coverage has created a surge of interest in the Asian giant hornet, Vespa mandarinia. The coverage is not traced to any recent event. The insect was found last September 2019 in Vancouver Island (Canada) and again in December 2019 in Washington…

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  • When you think of a thriving garden, you probably visualize a modest plot of land with rich soil, plants laden with juicy tomatoes and peppers, and bees busily buzzing to and from flowers scattered around. Well, if there’s one thing I’ve learned from urban living, it’s that sometimes that modest plot of land can be…

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  • Happy Earth Day!

    Earth day is a time to reflect and be thankful for everything the Earth does for us. This day celebrates the environmental movement and raises awareness about different issues and ways to maintain a clean environment. The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970. Many people participated in the celebration of this day…

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