As we go through bud break in Colquitt County, lets discuss a few topics such as budmoth, Ambrosia beetle and Phylloxera. Pecan Budmoth – Accroding to Andrew Sawyer, UGA Area Pecan Agent, budmoth adults overwinter under bark scales then start laying eggs in the spring. Eggs hatch in about 6 days and the larvae then…
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The Colquitt County Extension/Young Farmers Pecan Production Meeting is going to be held on Thursday, February 20, 2020. This meeting starts at noon. The meeting is going to be held at the Colquitt County Extension office. Please contact the Colquitt County Extension office if you are interested in attending. 229-616-7455. Lenny Wells UGA Pecan Specialist,…
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Colquitt County Extension partners with Colquitt’s Young Farmers Association to host 2016 Pecan Update Date: Tomorrow night, Tuesday, March 22, 2016 Time: 7:00 pm Location: Colquitt County Extension Office Guest Speaker: Dr. Lenny Wells, UGA Pecan Specialist Please RSVP: Call (229)616-7455
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Early February is a good time to start managing for ambrosia beetles. Normally, beetle damage is worse on young trees from newly planted to 6 yrs old. So growers who planted trees this year should check newly planted trees closely for signs of damage by ambrosia beetles (toothpick-like sawdust tubes sticking out of attack holes…
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Colquitt County Extension Upcoming Meetings/Events for 2016 Extension/Other Meetings Date Location 2016 Southeast Regional Fruit and Vegetable Conference Thurs.-Sun., Jan. 7-10, 2016 Savannah, Ga Area Melon Production Meeting Fri., Jan 15, 2016 @ 12:00 pm Tift County Extension Office Georgia Peanut Farm Show & Conference Thru., Jan 21, 2016 UGA Tifton Conference Center Ag Forecast…
Below are a few words from Lenny Wells site selection and air flow in pecan production. One of the most often over-looked factors I see regarding production problems in pecan is a consideration of the site where the orchard was planted. Not long ago, I spoke with a grower who had been on a very good fungicide program.…
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Below are a few comments from Dr. Lenny Wells on the current pecan situation. Pecans are susceptible to four distinct periods of physiological nut drop throughout the growing season, in which the tree will abort or shed nuts. The first drop occurs immediately after pollination and often goes un-noticed. The second drop, occurring in June,…
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Many of you may have noticed pecan trees with wart-like galls on the leaves. This is the result of feeding by an aphid-like insect called phylloxera, which causes rapid and abnormal growth of young leaf tissue to surround and enclose the female (called a stem mother). Based on the calls I’ve had and observations in the…
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Young pecan trees require two key ingredients for establishment; 1) water and 2) elimination of weed competition. There is no published data on required irrigation amounts for young pecan trees that I have been able to find. So, we began a study in 2014 to determine this for trees grown under Southeastern U.S. conditions. Looking at trees in…
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Below are a few words from Dr. Lenny Wells, UGA Pecan Specialist, about bark flaking off. I get calls every year about ‘Desirable’ pecan trees on which the bark is peeling off or sloughing off in large chunks. While it occurs on other cultivars, this is a common occurrence and yet another quirk of ‘Desirable’.…
Posted in: Pecans