The peanut harvest is coming to an end this week, and the cotton harvest is in full swing. The Halloween edition of the Drought Monitor shows 50% of the state of Georgia is not in drought, but 49% of the state is experiencing conditions ranging from D0-D4. According to the Drought Monitor, 100% of Colquitt…
The recent rainfall in Colquitt County has caused mushrooms to appear in turf, mulch, and landscape beds. Mushrooms usually appear when rain follows extended dry periods. Not only are mushrooms concerning due to their unsightly presence, but some types are known to be toxic to children and animals. People should never eat unidentified mushrooms that…
Thank you for your time, please contact your extension agent if you have any questions. Thank You,Jeremy KichlerColquitt County Extension Cordinator229-921-1977
Topics this week include sulfur fertilization in corn, tissue sampling in corn, summer annual forages, sampling baleage and lawn burweed. How can I take the paraquat test? Before mixing, loading, and/or applying paraquat, new labels require the completion of on-line training approved by the U.S. EPA. Thanks to the National Pesticide Safety Education Center, GDA…
I often get a call or two every year about fertilizing home muscadines. They are ideal for backyard production because they need a minimum spray program. If you have just planted your vines then it is suggested to apply fertilizer three times during the first year. The first application will consist of a ½ pound…
This time of year I get a lot questions about home garden tomatoes at the Colquitt County Extension office. Lets discuss some tomato growing tips. • Get a soil test!! Soil samples can be taken to the Colquitt County Extension Office. • Tomatoes require a soil with a pH in the range of 6.2 to…
Posted in: Gardening