The 2024 production meeting season is fast approaching. Below are the dates for the meetings in January and February 2024. If you would like to attend please fill out online form below. If you have any questions please contact the Colquitt County Extension office. The number is 229-616-7455.
Rain, rain, rain. This has been the story for the past week. Rainfall amounts for the past week have ranged from 3 inches upwards to 8 inches. Wet conditions are making weed control in cotton and peanuts, and nitrogen applications in cotton a challenge. The cotton crop ranges from early emergence to 12 leaf. Aphid…
It has been another exciting week in Colquitt County agriculture. Questions about corn production, burndown, pecans and forages have been common. They are discussed below. Some responses to a few common questions this week about preplant burndowns: 1) What is the plant-back restriction for field corn following an application of 2,4-D? Plant-back restrictions for field…
It has been another exciting week in Colquitt County agriculture. Corn producers are starting to plant. Cotton and peanut growers are applying burn down for the up coming year. Wheat crop is in the head and anthesis stage of development. Forage producers are baling oat baleage. Mr. Kichler, I missed the UPW training in Moultrie;…
In this issue: Colquitt County Cotton Production meeting!!! What are the current soil temperatures? Corn Questions!! Small grain situation… Considerations and Plan for Ambrosia Beetle Management Colquitt County Cotton Production meeting!!! What are the current soil temperatures? The weather has been great over the last few days and corn growers are getting excited. The illustration…
Hello, The December 2022 edition of the UGA Pecan Newsletter is available by clicking the link below. Topics include pre emerge herbicides, winterizing your irrigation and low input variety update. If you have any questions please contact your local county Extension agent.
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This edition contains topics such as a crop update, hedging and water, bermudagrass control, anthracnose. If you have any questions please contact your local county agent.
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Dr. Lenny Wells, UGA Pecan Horticulturalist, discusses water split in pecan in his most recent blog post. This is just a reminder that given the recent rain and the stage the pecans are in, if you have not seen it already, you we will likely be seeing water stage fruit split on many varieties over…
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Aug 2, 2022 | Written by Lenny Wells As we enter August shell hardening is upon us for Pawnee and other varieties are only a few days to weeks behind. This means that for Pawnee we are shifting from nut sizing to kernel filling. As a result there are two things to keep in mind: 1) You should…
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Pecan fungicide and insecticide applications have been frustrating due to uncooperative weather patterns. Below are some questions I have been getting from pecan growers. What about this leaf scorch and anthranose I keep on hearing about? I have had a couple growers bring in a couple leaf samples for diagnosis and results from the diagnostics…
Posted in: Pecans