A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

News, events, and happenings in Colquitt County agriculture.

Current Situation: Cotton and peanut planting is in high gear. Rainfall amounts over the weekend in Colquitt County ranged from 0.25 to over 2 inches. The illustration below shows rainfall estimates for the area. The corn crop ranges from 1 leaf to V8, and there have been numerous questions about yellow corn. Grasshoppers in strip till cotton have been a common topic this week.

Below is a link to the fourth episode of the Talkin’ Cotton Podcast, which is largely a discussion on utilizing untested products, planting into drier conditions, grasshopper calls on seedling cotton, and upcoming events relevant to cotton growers in Georgia. Feel free to share far and wide. It will be posted on the UGA Cotton Team website Monday. Remember, the link below will take you to buzzsprout, but the podcast is also posted on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Amazon Music. 

Episode 4 – https://www.buzzsprout.com/2350262/15002682

In this episode, Dr. Scott Monfort talked peanuts with Dr. Glen Harris, Dr. Scott Tubbs, Dr. Wes Porter, Dr. Eric Prostko, and Dr. Bob Kemerait. In this episode, the peanut team talks about what is currently going on in the field in the first week of May along with answering grower questions. Topics include early season weed control, disease management,water management, and inoculants.  https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/allaboutthepod/episodes/Episode-10–Season-2-Answering-Early-Season-Questions-e2j73th

How many pounds of peanut seed do I need? To reduce the impact ofTSWV, growers need to plant enough seed to provide at least 4 plants/ft of row. Therefore, seeding rates of 6 seed/ft on singles and 6 to 7 combined seed/ft on twins (3 to 3.5 seed/ft per twin furrow) are recommended. Seeding rates also need to be adjusted for % germ of the seed being planted to ensure you have the desired plant population. Below is a table from the 2024 UGA Peanut Agronomic guide that shows peanut seed size per variety and lbs of seed per acre based off a seeding rate of 5, 6, and 7 seed per foot.

Pegging Zone Sampling in Runner Peanut Peanuts have a high calcium requirement. Calcium must be available to the developing peg and pod in a water soluble form in the pegging zone area. If you need to apply calcium (in the form of gypsum, landplaster) it needs to be applied at early flowering. Pull the sample slightly offset of the peanut row about 3 inches deep. Pegging zone samples need to show 500 pounds of soil test calcium. If you are at the 500 mark or better and you have a 3 to 1 calcium to potassium ratio then calcium requirements should be met. If you do not meet EITHER of these requirements then you need to apply 1000 lb/a gypsum at early bloom. Also, all peanuts grown for seed should automatically receive this gypsum application, regardless of soil test calcium levels. Soil sample bags are available at the Extension Office if you would like to do pegging zone tests.

Grasshoppers: I have been getting a report or two of elevated grasshopper populations in strip till fields.. According to Dr. Phillip Roberts, UGA Cotton Entomologist, control of grasshoppers is recommended when plant damage is occurring, grasshoppers are present, and plant stands are threatened. Nymph (wingless) grasshoppers are relatively easy to control with insecticides. However control of adult (winged) grasshoppers is more difficult. High rates of labeled pyrethroids have performed fair to good on adults (control of adults or “flyers” is difficult). Dimilin, which is an insect growth regulator, provides good control of nymphal grasshoppers and has provided good residual activity in field demos, but it takes a few days to cause mortality. Dimilin will not control adult grasshoppers. According to Dr Phillip Roberts, acephate applied at higher rates would be an option for control (0.75 lb).

Time to Pay Attention to Pecan Nut Casebearer (PNC) Apurba Barman

Following pollination, as we advance into the growing season, those tiny nutlets on terminal branches of pecan trees are potentially exposed to feeding by pecan nut casebearer (PNC) caterpillars. The adult moths of this species emerge out of their overwintering stage in the spring and are often active in pecan orchards from mid-April onwards. No other known host plant of this insect exists, so they always stay in the pecan orchard. The first generation of the moths is more serious as the females lay eggs on small nutlets, and the caterpillars coming out of these eggs can feed on multiple nutlets in a cluster. It takes about 4-5 days for eggs to hatch. PNC eggs are somewhat difficult to locate at first, but once your eyes are trained, they become easier. It is important to know what eggs look like and the damage symptoms from caterpillar feeding (Figure 1). READ MORE

Paraquat Trainings. I am still getting a phone call or two about paraquat trainings. Syngenta is offering more trainings in the near future. If you need the training please register by clicking the following link. https://syngenta.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_oyHHgBXdS_6l_OiEMHz0_A#/registration

How do I take a tissue sample in corn? 

Plant tissue sampling should be used in tandem with soil sampling to determine:

(1) If essential elements are presently low, adequate or excessive in the plant and;

(2) Whether the proper ratio of certain elements exists.

It is advisable to take plant tissue samples throughout the growing season to monitor nutrient status and detect any deficiencies or imbalances. If a deficiency or imbalance is detected early enough, it can usually be corrected in time to improve yield.

In corn there are 3 good opportunities to do tissue analysis.

1. Seedling stage (all of the above ground corn) 15-20 plants

2. Prior to tasselling (the first fully developed leaf just below the whorl) 15-20 leaves

3. From tasselling and shooting to silking (the entire leaf at the ear node or immediately above or below) 15-20 leaves

If you have questions about tissue or soil sampling please contact your local county agent.

How much sulfur do I need for corn? Corn requires a relatively large amount of sulfur, generally 20 to 30 pounds per acre. On deep sands, apply sulfur in split applications. All sulfur should be applied in the sulfate (SO4) form. Applications with nitrogen may prove efficient.

Have a great week,

Jeremy M. Kichler

Colquitt County Extension Coordinator

The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension does not endorse or guarantee the performance of any products mentioned in this update.