Pam Knox
AgWeb reported from a story in Bloomberg today that rains twice the normal amount fattened pods from North Dakota to Ohio in August. The soybean crop is expected to yield a record 18 percent higher than last year after farmers planted 11 percent more than in 2013 due to favorable markets early in the year.…
Nick McGhee noted in his Nochaway Ag Update that dryland peanuts this year have been challenged by the drought as well as insect pressures. Some peanuts are coming loose in the pod even though they have not reached maturity. For guidance on harvesting these peanuts, check out his blog entry at
The State Climate Office of North Carolina has just posted their summer summary along with an outlook for fall. You can read it at They include an outlook for fall colors, so if you are traveling to the area, you might want to take a peek.
Today most of northeast Georgia is experiencing what natives often call “the wedge,” a shallow layer of cold air that moves down into the state along the east side of the Appalachian Mountains. The official description of this phenomenon is “cold air damming” because the mountains act as a natural dam that restricts the flow…
One of the questions I got at SRECA last week was about changes in Arctic and Antarctic sea ice over time. Some recent news stories have claimed that Arctic sea ice is making a comeback, while Antarctic sea ice is actually growing. This recent article in Yahoo Finance provides some good information on why neither…
Posted in: Climate and Ag in the news -
Georgia was close to normal in temperature for summer 2014. Most stations reported temperatures within one degree of normal, with slightly below normal temperatures dominating in the wetter northern half of the state and slightly above normal temperatures occurring in the drier southern half. Precipitation amounts were drier than normal across most of the state,…
The 7-day QPF map below shows that northern Georgia and much of Alabama will receive below normal rainfall (normal is roughly an inch a week) but southern Georgia into Florida and the eastern Carolinas should receive more rain this week. The heavier rains in Georgia are predicted to fall over the areas that are now…