If you’ve been following the drought posts on this blog, you know that moderate drought is expanding across the Southeast. But sometimes the map doesn’t capture the full picture of what is going on in the ground because no one is there to report it. The Drought Monitor authors would love to have more information to help them make the best possible maps. You can help by reporting your impacts in one of several ways. If you are a CoCoRaHS observer, then there is a place on their web page https://www.cocorahs.org to report your conditions (note that you can also report wet conditions there, they just want to know whatever you are seeing. And if you are not an observer, now is a great time to get started!) Another place to report drought impacts is on the Drought Reporter at https://droughtreporter.unl.edu/map/. Just click on the “Submit a Report” link on the top menu. During the growing season, Extension agents can also report by submitting comments to the weekly reporter for the National Ag Statistics Service.