A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Recent Posts

  • If you or someone you know is interested in attending the upcoming cotton scout schools in Tifton or Midville, the information and schedule about each is listed below.   Cotton insect scouting schools will be conducted on June 8, 2015 in Tifton and June 16, 2015 in Midville. These programs offer basic information on cotton…

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  • Dr. Bob Kemerait, UGA Plant Pathologist, provides the following peanut fungicide options with the short supply of Bravo/cholothalonil:  What to do??     A.  Replace 1.5 pt/A chlorothalonil with 15 fl oz/A Elast.   B.  Replace 1.5 pt/A chlorothalonil with 10 fl oz/A Topsin/thiophanate methyl, but ONLY one time!   C.  Replace 1.5 pt/A chlorothanil with 7.0…

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  • Everyone is aware of the problems that thrips cause on seedling peanuts, but the tobacco budworm has also become a problem over recent years. Dr. Mark Abney, UGA Extension Peanut Entomologist, provides the timely information below about both these insects to be on the lookout for in seedling peanuts.   The two most important insects…

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  • I have had a lot of questions recently concerning possible peanut payments for the 2014 peanut crop. The Marketing Year Average (MYA) price for peanuts is calculated from August 1 – July 31 using National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) prices.  That being said, we are about 75% of the way through the 2014 marketing year.   The…

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  • Dr. Kemerait received official word from the Georgia Department of Agriculture that the EPA has denied the request to use Counter 20G on cotton. (It is still legal on field corn) The reason given basically says that use on cotton would exceed the appropriate amount for the “risk cup” for terbufos (active ingredient) in the state.      

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  • Dr. Prostko has provided the information below about corn weed control during this wet and rainy period:   The rainy weather this week has delayed many postemergence herbicide applications in field corn.   Consequently, growers will be forced to make some tough decisions when the weather clears. Here are a few things to consider:   1) Refer to…

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  • I am going to attempt to start a blog that will contain timely row crop production information. I think this will enable faster and more efficient communication with producers and other clients. If we can improve the speed of communication, hopefully you will be able to make a quicker decision regarding issues that may arise.…

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  • Dr. Stanley Culpepper has provided information related to time of day efficacy of several herbicides. I think you will find this interesting.   Over the past few years, we have been studying the impact of application time of day on the postemergence activity of numerous herbicides. The table below is provided to help guide you…

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  • The information listed below for controlling thrips in peanuts was provided by Dr. Mark Abney. The weather is warming up, and soon peanut seed will be going into the ground. After two seasons of relatively heavy and late thrips pressure in Georgia, it is understandable that growers are asking questions about thrips management options for…

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