A Using Pesticides Wisely(UPW) training will be held Monday in the Ag Annex in Quitman at 8:30 am. This training is required for anyone applying Dicamba products and/or Enlist One and Enlist Duo in 2019 and any person in charge of Dicamba and Enlist in crop applications. The UPW meeting will be from 8:30 am until 10:45 am with Dr. Stanley Culpepper and Georgia Department of Agriculture(GDA). If any applicators do not have a private pesticide license (new rule for application in 2019), they can attend a 45 minute training immediately after the UPW meeting to acquire a 2 year certified pesticide applicators license to apply Dicamba and Enlist products. If you have not already called to register, please call the office at 229-263-4103.