Please be aware that yesterday (6/8/16) I visited a field in Brooks County and confirmed the presence of Sugarcane aphids in our county. I wanted to give you a product update, on pesticides we can use for 2016, to control sugarcane aphids.
We have 2 products available, Sivanto Prime and Transform. Things we should know about application and use of these products include;
- Sivanto Prime – can be applied at 4-7 oz/acre. The 4 oz rate will do a good job and last for at least 21 days. Sivanto Prime last a little longer than Transform. This product is full labeled on sorghum with a supplemental label for the 4-7 oz rates.
- Transform WG – has been approved again by a Section 18 for Georgia, at the 0.75 to 1.5 oz rate/acre. However, one big change from last year is Transform CANNOT be used during flowering. Also, we need to remember that there are only 2 applications per season. Dr. Gary Buntin, UGA Entomologist recommends at least the 1 oz rate and the 1.5 oz rate is even more effective and will provide approximately 14 days of control.
Both of these products can be used on grain, silage, forage type sorghums, and sorghum/sudangrasses. But please remember that these products can not be used on sweet sorghum.
Please call me if you have additional questions.