For the 2016 growing season, Thrips traps are being monitored weekly in Brooks County. I will post weekly results from thrip traps, for you to observe thrips numbers, activity and movement. Please be aware, that earlier peanut in furrow thrips treatments may be playing out. We should pay close attention to peanut foliage for thrips damage and look for immature thrips in young leaves. If you are seeing damage on older leaves, an indicator that thrips are not continuing to die from earlier treatments and/or presence of immature thrips, be prepared for escalating damage of peanut foliage. Within 7-14 days of this scenario, the thrip numbers and damage will dramatically increase. Prior to this occurence, we should scout for thrips and thrips damage and may need to consider an Orthene (acephate) overspray. Timing is critical for adequate thrips control and rates can vary, but consider at least 8-10 oz. for effective control. Please call me if you have additional questions.
Thrips report from Dr. Mark Abney’s thrip traps:
Thrips numbers were down on four of our six traps and slightly up on the other two over the last seven days. The bottom line is that thrips are still moving, and fields where adults have arrived could see injury over the next couple weeks as immatures hatch and feed.
These data are being provided for informational purposes only and may not be representative of thrips dispersal at your location. Peanut fields should be scouted regularly to quantify actual thrips populations.