A website from UGA Cooperative Extension



The Brooks County Extension Peanut Production Update meeting was held on January 26, 2015.  I wanted to share the educational material that I distributed at this meeting.  To access the following information, click on the provided links.  Please call me if you would like a hard copy of the 2015 Peanut Production guide, I have a few remaining copies.


Peanut Budget with interactive formulas

Peanut Production Budgets

2014 Peanut Variety Trial

2015 Peanut Production Guide

Irrigation handout


Syngenta 2014 Disease Risk Fungicide Schedules

DuPont Fontelis

Convoy 2014 Disease Risk Spray Schedules

Artisan 2014 Disease Risk Spray Schedules

2014 Bayer Peanut Rx (1)