Crop Insurance
By Don Shurley and Yangxuan Liu Download the PDF version of the factsheet MFP (Market Facilitation Program) Payments USDA announced last July that it would act to assist farmers damaged by tariffs and reduced exports. In September, the Market Facilitation Program (MFP) was initiated and the signup began. MFP payments are received on actual 2018…
by Adam N. Rabinowitz On June 6, 2019, the disaster aid package (officially known as H.R. 2157, “Additional Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Act, 2019.”) was signed into law. The bill contains substantial money that will aid Georgia in the recovery from Hurricane Michael, as well as addressing other disasters throughout the U.S. during calendar…
Posted in: Beef Cattle, Cotton, Crop Insurance, Dairy, Livestock, Peanuts, Pecan, Policy, Pork, Poultry, Row Crops, Vegetables -
By Adam N. Rabinowitz Click here for a PDF version of this post. Last week Hurricane Michael ripped through the heart of Georgia agriculture, devastating the southwest region and destroying a significant amount of our farmers’ hard work. While government programs can never fully replace the loss, there are a number of resources that are…
Posted in: Beef Cattle, Cotton, Crop Insurance, Dairy, Fruit, Livestock, Peanuts, Pecan, Policy, Poultry, Resources, Row Crops, Vegetables -
by Adam N. Rabinowitz and Yangxuan Liu Southern Georgia has seen a lot of rain during the month of May. The table below shows the precipitation and number of rainy days in 2018 compared to the average from 2015-2017 for four selected areas in southern GA. Precipitation in 2018 has been, on average, more than twice…