We have gotten off to a good start with peanut planting this season. As peanut plants are emerging and growing, producers should scout and monitor fields for early season insects. The main ones to be looking for are thrips, tobacco budworm (TBW), and possibly lesser cornstalk borer (LCB). Many of the thrips control decisions are…
Peanut planting time is here. Here are some important things to consider from Dr. Eric Prostko, UGA Extension Weed Specialist: • Start clean using a combination of tillage, cover crops, and/or herbicides • Use 2 to 4 residual herbicides in the system, depending upon the need and/or weed • Cracking or early-postemergence applications of paraquat…
As we move into cotton and peanut planting, here is some information to take a look at and to consider. Palmer Amaranth Control in Georgia Cotton During 2019 is a great resource to use in planning a weed management system for cotton fields this season. Another resource for peanut growers is the UGA Peanut Production…
Attached below is the link to the thrips infestation predictor tool that you can use for your specific area. Temperature and rainfall are the primary drivers influencing thrips populations. Potential differences could exist by location in your county. Be reminded that the closer you are to the planting date, the better the prediction will…
I have attached the 2019 peanut production guide for your reference. I also brought some of these laminated guides to the cotton meeting 02/07/19. 2019-peanut-eguide
Posted in: Peanuts