A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

The naturally occurring aphid fungus has really started spreading in many cotton fields in the area this week.  In scouting cotton fields, the fungus can be seen as gray, fuzzy aphid cadavers are observed.  Aphid pressure has been high, but once that the fungus is present, the aphid population should crash within about a week.  Also, as we near the middle of July, be scouting for corn earworm (CEW) in cotton plants at this time.  Cotton Bt technology is good, but cotton should be scouted to check for any escaped caterpillar larvae and treated if the threshold is met.

Aphid fungus (fuzzy, gray aphids)
Aphid fungus (fuzzy, gray aphids)

In peanut fields, we have been seeing many beneficial insects which should help in reducing some of our peanut pests.  Caterpillar numbers are building in local peanut fields.  The threshold for foliage feeders in peanuts is 4 to 8 caterpillars per foot of row.  Peanuts with lush vine growth can withstand more foliage feeding and may be on the higher end of the threshold; consider the number and types of larvae present, the size of the larvae, and the condition of the vines.  Also take note of moths in the field, as they can be an indicator of which caterpillars are present.

Cotesia wasp larvae emerging from a cutworm.

Those with pastures and hay fields will want to keep an eye out for fall armyworms (FAW).  We have not had reports of problems yet, but typically in late July/early August they can cause severe yield loss in a short period of time.  Just be aware and be looking.

If Worth County Extension can be of assistance to you, give us a call or come by the office.