Field corn harvest is just about to start or will start soon depending upon the county. Growers who have annual morningglory problems might want to consider a harvest-aid application of Roundup + Aim to help dessicate the MG vines and facilitate harvesting. It is the best option we have, but not perfect.
Growers should be reminded that one of the best times to help manage the weed seed bank for both Palmer amaranth and tropical spiderwort is after corn harvest. Corn fields recently harvested and not planted to another crop should be managed with tillage and/or herbicides.
In peanut, there has been a few questions about tank-mixing herbicides with Elatus. There is not much data on that yet, but Syngenta has mentioned that there have been no major issues with one exception. Peanut injury was increased when Elatus was tank-mixed mixed with Loveland’s formulation of clethodim sold under the trade name of Intensity.
Many peanuts fields in Georgia are now past the point where herbicides can legally be applied due to pre-harvest intervals (PHI). Thus, pay close attention to when you planted and when you anticipate harvesting before applying herbicides late in the season.
If you have any questions on rates, timing, PHI’s, or post harvest weed control practices, please contact us at the Worth County Extension office or by mobile phone.