A website from UGA Cooperative Extension


  • There is updated information on silverleaf whitefly (SLWF) for cotton growers. The latest information on SLWF can be found in the following publications from our UGA Cotton Team. Click to see Sampling and Managing Whiteflies in Georgia Cotton – this publication describes the SLWF biology, damage, sampling, risk management, and control. Managing Silverleaf Whiteflies in…

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  • Cotton growers should be aware that silverleaf whitefly (SLWF) numbers are increasing in parts of Worth County. As of Wednesday, July 1, there is a field that has reached the threshold for treating. It is still early on, but it will be important to make timely treatment decisions as we move forward. Following is information…

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  • Dr. Phillip Roberts, UGA Entomologist Due to the COVID-19  pandemic the 2020 Cotton, Peanut, and Soybean Scout Schools scheduled for June 8th in Tifton and June 16th in Midville have been cancelled.  We are considering holding scout schools at a later date or on a webinar platform.  More information will be provided soon on these…

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  • Peanut Insect Update

    As we move into June, peanut growers should be checking fields for insects. In general, thrips pressure should be less at this time. Following is an update from Dr. Mark Abney about the insect situation. “I got reports of tobacco budworm and lesser cornstalk borer (LCB) infestations in peanut this week. Neither of these is…

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  • Corn Update

    Corn in Worth County is at different growth stages based on planting date and conditions. Some will be nearing tassel soon, while later planted is less than 12 inches. There are some things to keep in mind at this time, on the earlier planted corn especially. DISEASE UPDATE – As of now, there has been…

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  • Many growers have begun planting cotton and peanuts, and some growers are much further along. There are choices and decisions made at planting, either with seed treatments or at-plant treatments, that can affect early season protection of the crop from nematodes, diseases, and insects. One main issue for nearly all earlier planted fields of cotton…

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  • There has been some calls on checking some wheat, rye, and oats cover crop/grazing where bare spots in the field have been noticed. Several fields of cover crop/grazing have been checked this week and we have seen a high population of armyworms (fall, yellowstriped, beet, southern) feeding extensively in the areas that are almost bare,…

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  • Fire Ants in Citrus

    Fire ants have been problematic this summer in newly planted satsuma trees. This was a problem new to us; as we are learning a lot about citrus from our first-time growers and we wanted to share some info on how they can damage trees, and provide some solutions. Here is an excerpt from the University…

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  • Peanut Update

    There has been a lot of harvesting of peanuts in Worth County this week. With this, we have been checking a lot of peanut maturity samples. Even with the heat speeding up cotton maturity, peanuts appear to be on schedule as normal. There are some dryland fields and different situations that have required peanuts to…

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  • Soybean Update

    There are not many soybeans in the county, but there are some in the north end of the county. The soybeans that are planted, are ultra-late varieties. When planting this late it is important to keep in mind to plant maturity groups like VI, VII, or VIII. It is also important to increase seeding rate…

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