Worth County has been involved in the on-farm cotton variety trials for many years. Thanks to our farm cooperators, Worth County is included in this helpful information for Georgia cotton growers. These results are preliminary, and the final results will be shared once completed. Please see the details below from our UGA Cotton Agronomist, Camp Hand.
Below are the Preliminary 2020 On-Farm Variety Trial Results. A couple of things to note:
THESE RESULTS ARE PRELIMINARY!!! To date, only 4 locations have been ginned on a table-top gin, and the average turnout was applied to all locations. Once a ginner is in place to run the UGA Microgin, we will begin ginning the samples from each location. Additionally, once turnouts are calculated for each location quality data will be evaluated. Hopefully, this will help us learn more about the seed coat fragment issues we have been having this year. Once the samples are ginned and turnouts are determined, yield results will be finalized.
A huge thank you is in order to Dr. Phillip Roberts for keeping this program going this year, our county extension agents for organizing their local trials, grower cooperators for working with their local agents, our industry partners for continuing to support this effort, and the Georgia Cotton Commission for their unwavering support.
Camp Hand, UGA Extension Agronomist
If there are any questions, please contact your local county extension agent. Go to: www.ugacotton.com for more cotton information.