Everything slowed down this week with the weather that Hurricane Sally brought through our area. We have reports of rainfall from around 4.5 inches up to greater than 6 inches, so the ground is saturated and everything is wet. Maturity checks have continued in peanuts and cotton, and with some more sunlight and drying out, field activity will be bustling again for harvest.
UGA Worth County Extension has been working with growers in some on-farm trials and monitoring of insects and other pests for this growing season. We have ongoing trials with cotton varieties, peanut varieties, peanut growth regulator, sweet corn varieties, peanut burrower bug traps, citrus psyllid traps, pine tip moth traps, some snap bean trials rating plant viruses, and molecular testing of irrigation pond water for presence of Phytophthora capsici. We hope to share some of the results and data with growers following the season.
Contact UGA Worth County Extension if we can be of assistance.