This week there are many activities and happenings in Worth County Agriculture. The earlier planted crops have had moisture, but cool temperatures have plant growth and emergence slowed. Many planters are in the field this week. We are starting to get dry in many areas, so irrigation is going, and hopefully more rain soon.
Corn: Corn is at various growth stages throughout the county. Early corn has been side-dressed and is really growing at this point. Some fields have had slow and uneven growth, and are not “greening up” as quickly. Hopefully with warmer temperatures, some more time, and good conditions those fields will catch up. Be aware and scout for corn diseases. No Southern Corn Rust has been confirmed in Georgia as of now. Be on the lookout for Northern Corn Leaf Blight, which overwinters on plant residue.
Cotton: Thrips pressure and injury on early planted cotton has been heavy this season. Cool temperatures have slowed growth of plants and also contributed to emergence and stand issues on recent plantings. Poor stands need to be evaluated if a grower is considering a replant; cotton can compensate, but there are some situations that replant is necessary.
Peanuts: Many peanuts are being planted this week. Earlier plantings have faced cool temps and thrips pressure, but plantings now should have better growing conditions and less risk of thrips injury. Not too many issues in many of the fields seen this week. Pre- and at-plant decisions impact early plant growth and health.
Vegetables: Spring vegetables are at harvest – broccoli, cabbage, kale, collards, snap beans, cucumbers, squash, peppers, and soon sweet corn. Watermelons and cantaloupe are also making progress and fruiting at this time.