September 14, 202 starts the 2020 campaign of Septic Smart Week. Enjoy learning this week about how you can protect your septic system and the environment.
On Monday September 14, 2020 the idea is to “Protect It and Inspect It!”.
Below is a few Social Media texts that can be used to let others know.
Twitter message:
- Today @EPAwater is kicking off #SepticSmart Week! Look for our #QuickTips to stay #SepticSmart year-round
- DYK 1 in 5 U.S. homes have #septicsystems? Properly maintaining your septic system can safeguard your family’s health, protect the environment, and save you money. Learn more at
- #SepticSmart #QuickTip: Protect It and Inspect It! Regular #septicsystem maintenance can save homeowners money and protect #publichealth
- TO POST on Twitter: Protect and Inspect It (JPEG)
Facebook/LinkedIn/Instagram Posts:
- Today we’re kicking off #SepticSmart Week! This week we recognize the importance of properly caring for and maintaining your septic system. Check in every day for #SepticSmart Quick Tips and learn more at
- Protect It and Inspect It! You can help protect the environment and public health by having your septic system regularly serviced every 1 – 3 years. Learn more about staying #SepticSmart at
Tuesday’s Topic is Think at the Sink!
Think at the Sink! video: Think at the Sink!
Twitter text:
- #SepticSmart #QuickTip: Think at the Sink! What goes down your drain has a big impact on your #septicsystem. Get the scoop on #SepticSmart maintenance by visiting
- Video to share: Think at the Sink! (YouTube)
Facebook/LinkedIn/Instagram Posts:
- Think at the sink! Use water efficiently to maintain the life of your septic system. Limit the use of your garbage disposal and avoid rinsing coffee grounds or pouring grease into the sink. Get the scoop on how to stay #SepticSmart at
- Video to share: Think at the Sink! (YouTube)